Over the next week we will be sending out information about the classes we offer and the course registration process. We will highlight different academic departments and CTE pathways each day.
World Language

MHHS graduation requirements require that students take at least one (1) year of a World Language OR a Visual and Performing art. Students wishing to become UC/CSU eligible must take two (2) years of the same world language. We currently offer Spanish, French, and Chinese language courses. Next year we will be offering new advanced options with the addition of Chinese 3 and AP French Language and Culture.
- World Language FAQ
- World Language Video
- Questions: Francisco Soto fsotobecerra@lammersvilleusd.net
CTE Engineering

Engineering is one of the 8 Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways that we offer. Courses in the CTE program differ from other courses in that students are immersed in hands-on learning experiences that model current industry practices. All CTE pathways culminate in a capstone course in which students demonstrate their learning in projects that they design. Engineering is offered as both a 4 year pathway in which students start as 9th graders or a 3 year pathway started in the 10th grade year. We have 161 students in our Engineering classes this year and upon graduation they will be well on their way towards careers in drafting, architecture, structural design, building department planning, city planning, and many more.
- Engineering FAQ
- Engineering Video
- Questions: Steve Guess sgeuss@lammersvilleusd.net
Course Registration Window
Counselors will be in ELA classrooms to walk students through the course selection process over the next few weeks. The course registration window is open from 2/1-2/11 and students will be able to choose their courses during that time in Aeries.
Virtual Parent Information Night
Our admin and counselors will host a virtual parent information night about course scheduling on 2/9/22 @ 6:30pm. We will have a short presentation followed with a chance to ask questions. Link: https://youtu.be/cYnSBGyDYvw
Learn More
MHHS Course Selection Site - Our counselors have prepared a great collection of resources about scheduling.
2022-23 MHHS Course Catalog- A list of all of our courses along with specific information about graduation and college prep requirements.