The MHHS Science Olympiad team compete in the SCJOE Science Olympiad Regional Tournament and were successful in a number of different events. Please congratulate the following students on medaling in their events:
Anatomy & Physiology:
1st place - Ashlyn and Alicia Roice
1st place - Ashley and Elizabeth Varghese
2nd place - Eshaal Naveed and Tvishi Medathana
Chemistry Lab:
3rd place - Ashlyn Roice and Cindy Ta
1st place - Ashlyn Roice, Alicia Roice, and Cindy Ta
3rd place - Charan Battula, Ryan Huang, and Lakshita Kutnikar
Detector Building:
1st place - Ashlyn Roice and Pranav Ganti
2nd place - Charan Battula and Anirudh Sivakumar
Disease Detectives:
1st place - Dhriti Chicila and Pavana Bathula
3rd place - Abigail Jimmy and Swetha Nattu
Dynamic Planet:
1st place - Jacqueline and Jordan Prawira
Environmental Chemistry:
1st place - Jacqueline Prawira and Cindy Ta
2nd place - Divjot Gill and Ryan Huang
2nd place - Pavana Bathula and Pranav Saravanan
Gravity Vehicle:
2nd place - Rohin Prashanth and Pranav Saravanan
Green Generation:
1st place - Ryan Alex and Pavana Bathula
It's About Time:
2nd place - Parnita Chowtoori and Rohin Prashanth
3rd place: Ryan Alex and Mehar Pelia
Rocks and Minerals:
1st place - Jacqueline and Jordan Prawira
1st place - Dhriti Chicila and Parnita Chowtoori
Wright Stuff:
1st place - Ashley Varghese and Mehar Pelia
2nd place - Cera-Jane Ho and Tvishi Medathana
Overall, our Blue and Silver Teams took 1st and 4th for the fourth year in a row!
Next, they set their sights on the NorCal State Tournament where they hope to break into the top 10!