During Winter Break - if you are in need of some support in regards to YOUR overall Wellness - be sure to check out our Virtual Wellness Center. CLICK HERE
Your Mountain House Mustangs Newsletter for all of the up-to-date information.
Thursday, December 16, 2021
Wellness Center GRAND OPENING!
Monday, December 13, 2021
AP Purchasing Deadline
AP Purchasing Deadline
If you have missed the deadline to purchase your AP exam during Fall, no need to stress as you have another opportunity to pay for your exam. Webstore will open for purchase from January 3, 2022, until March 4th, 2022. The cost is $140.00 per exam.
The cut-off date for ordering the exam is March 4th. If your student has trouble logging into our webstore, please contact Mrs. Caldwell at ccaldwell@lammersvilleusd.net.
MHHS provides families the ability to pay for their exam fees online through the Mustang Webstore. Please have a credit card or debit card available before registration. Students can also purchase the exam at the ASB office window during brunch or after school. Accepted forms of payment include cash, check, and credit or debit card. Only checks payable to Mountain House High School will be accepted.
AP Classroom Join Codes - Please ask your teacher.
These join codes are only for Mountain House High School Students and students currently enrolled in the full length of the course. If you are an MHHS student that does not have the AP course in your schedule and would like to take the EXAM only, please reach out to Mrs. Haag at Jhaag@lammersvilleusd.net for an EXAM ONLY join code. If you are a student outside of Lammersville Unified School District, please reach out to your district of residence to accommodate your exam requests.
AP Exam Refund Request
We understand that on rare occasions, students must cancel an exam. Please fill out the AP Exam Refund Request form. College Board has indicated that for the 2022 testing, they will be charging a $40 cancellation fee for any unused exams.
Students who cancel an exam by 3 pm, Friday, March 4, 2022, are entitled to exam cost minus the $40 fee (per exam canceled).
Students who cancel an exam between Friday, March 4, 2022, after 3 pm, until Friday, March 11, 2022, are entitled to a refund minus the late fee ($40) determined on a case by case basis.
No refund if canceled after March 11, 2022.
Please allow time for processing and delivery. For any questions regarding payment, please contact our ASB Secretary Cristin Caldwell at ccaldwell@lammersvilleusd.net
When will the AP exams take place?
AP exams will take place in the first two weeks of May 2022. Please see the attached link for exam-specific dates. If you have two exams simultaneously, you may take one of these exams in the late window. Students who have a morning and afternoon exam on the same day will take them both at the regularly scheduled time.
2022 AP Exam Calendar - AP Students I College Board
How long is the AP Exam?
The length of each AP exam will vary. Most exams run approximately 3-4 hours. Each day there will be two exams sessions, morning and afternoon. The morning exams start at 8:00 AM (report time: 7:30 AM), and afternoon exams begin at noon (report time 11:30 AM). If you have an afternoon exam, this may run after the school has ended. You will be responsible for transportation after the exam has concluded and will be responsible for notifying any coaches or after-school commitments that you will be taking the AP exam. You cannot leave an AP exam early. You must stay for the entire length of the exam.
How will attendance be marked on the day of the exam?
Students will be marked as exempt from classes during their exam time. If students do not attend school before or after their exam (i.e., AM for a PM test or PM for an AM test), parents must notify the attendance office, and students will be marked absent from those classes. If your child will be absent from an AP exam, please notify the attendance office ASAP. We wait to start the exam until every child is present and do not want to hold up the exam if they will not be attending.
How do I know where to report the day of my exam?
Testing locations will be sent in an email and Parent Square approximately one week before the exam.
What will I need to bring on the day of the exam?
For all exams, students will need to bring:
Number 2 pencils (mechanical pencils are not permitted)
Pen with black or dark blue ink
Snack and drink for the break
Calculator (for specific exams). Please see attached calculator policy.
AP Exam Calculator Policy - AP Students I College Board
Please do NOT bring cell phones, smartwatches, or scratch paper. If these items are brought to the exam, they must be completely shut off and stowed away in the student’s backpack, which will be stored at the front of the testing location. Students cannot access these during the exam, including during the break.
How will colleges use my AP exam score?
Most colleges will require a specific score on an AP exam in order for the exam to be used at the college level. Please see the attached link for more information.
Getting Credit and Placement - AP Students I College Board
When and how can I access my score? How do I send my AP scores to college?
Scores are typically available in July. You must log onto your College Board account to view and send official scores directly from College Board to the institution.
What if I want to cancel my exam prior to test day, and will I receive a refund?
You may cancel your exam prior to test day; however, you will be subject to a $40 College Board cancellation fee. You must complete the request form. Refunds will be given for the remaining balance once the ASB AP Refund Request Form is completed and received.
VIRTUAL Academic Decathalon Adult Volunteers
Friday, December 10, 2021
One More Host Family Needed
Did you know that Mountain House High School has several exchange students from around the world this year? We have students from Spain, Italy, Brazil, Mongolia, Korea, and Germany, and they are such a great addition to our multicultural 'Ohana here at MHHS.
We have one more student are looking for a new placement for the remainder of this school year. The need for new families is urgent within the next week. We're looking for a Mountain House family, or faculty or staff member who is willing to host our exchange student, Aza from Mongolia. Aza is already at MHHS, and she is in need of a new placement right away. Aza is a great student, and has many friends here at MHHS already. She does not want to be pulled from our school, and your family might be the perfect fit. Aza does have an allergy to dogs, so would need to be hosted in a home without dogs, or with dogs that are hypoallergenic.
If you are interested in hosting Aza for the remainder of the school year, contact Cultural Homestay International coordinator Ceci Haas at cecihaas@gmail.com
Adult Volunteer Judges for DECA Competition
Written Report Judging:
- Specific Rubric provided
- Can judge from the comfort of your own home
- Not required to attend any conference activities
- Saturday January 15th
- Once you volunteer you'll be assigned a time between 7:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M.
- Location: San Ramon Marriott Hotel
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Help a Mustang Family
Monday, November 29, 2021
Saturday, November 27, 2021
New Host Families needed ASAP
Two of our current students are looking for a new placement for the remainder of this school year. The need for new families is urgent within the next week. We're looking for a Mountain House family or two, or faculty or staff member who is willing to host one student from Brazil, and one student from Mongolia. Both students are already at MHHS, and are in need of a new placement right away.
If you are interested in hosting either of these students for the remainder of the school year, contact Cultural Homestay International coordinator Ceci Haas at cecihaas@gmail.com
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
We need Pictures!!!
We need your help to get pictures of some of the fantastic things you have done this year.
We are looking for pictures of the following events:
Powderpuff game
Homecoming Dance
JV Football
Students doing activities with their clubs
Please send any photos for yearbook consideration to Mrs. Nunn (rnunn@lammersvilleusd.net)
Thanks for your help!
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Whitecoat Ceremony and NTHS Induction
On Friday evening we celebrated the juniors and seniors who earned their whitecoats through their participation in our Biomedical Science pathway. Students announced the various medical fields they plan on going into after graduating from MHHS and took the Hippocratic Oath.
Students from the Biomedical, Computer Science, and Digital Arts pathways were also inducted into the National Technical Honor Society. Their membership in the NTHS will provide them with scholarship, networking, and internship opportunities as they move forward.
Our Culinary pathway students catered the event and all attendees were able to sample the delicious appetizers that they prepared. The event was a great example of our students in CTE pathways supporting each other and gaining real world experience.
Monday, November 15, 2021
Drama Showcase "A Million Dreams"
When: Thursday, November 18, 2021
Time: 7:00 P.M.
Where: MHHS Theater
Come out this Thursday Night at 7:00 P.M. to see our Drama Showcase "A Million Dreams." The showcase is FREE, and open to the public. Come see our semester-end variety show with songs, scenes, monologues, and more.
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
MHHS School Site Council Meeting 11/17/21 @ 7PM

Each School Site Council meeting will feature a presentation about a specific topic. The presentation will be followed with an opportunity for general Q & A. At our meeting next week we will discuss the restorative practices approach to discipline we use at MHHS.
MHHS School Site Council
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Join here virtually: https://youtu.be/0J5xeRB8BYU
MHHS School Site Council Dates/Topics
- 9/22/21 Supporting Kids Coming Back to School
- 11/17/21 Restorative Practices
- 2/23/22 Topic TBD
- 4/27/22 Topic TBD
Please provide your input for our February and April Site Council Meeting topics by completing the quick survey here.
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
MHHS Fall Play "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
When: November 5th-7th (see below for times)
Where: MHHS Theater
Cost: $5 for students, $10 for Adults, FREE for students w/ASB
MHHS' Fall Play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare is coming up on November 5th & 6th @ 8pm and November 6th & 7th @ 2pm. Come see MHHS students perform a magical story about love triangles, mischievous fairies, and a group of comical actors! Travel back to the 80s with our unique adaptation featuring singing, dancing, and big hair! General tickers: $10. Student tickets: $5. Students w/ ASB card: FREE! Tickets will be available online at tinyurl.com/TicketsMSND or at the door.
Monday, October 25, 2021
Who: 16 High School Students
Where: Altamont Elementary School
When: Friday, October 29, 2021 5pm - 7pm
Altamont PTA is looking for 16 volunteers to help out at their Trunk or Treat event. Interested students should sign up on JustServe.org or contact Altamont PTA directly at altamontpta@gmail.com.
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Armed Forces
On occasion, MHHS has the opportunity to host recruiters from the U.S. Armed Forces on our campus. Today, October 20, 2021, representatives were on campus. They set up a booth during lunchtime for students to learn more about opportunities to serve in the military and how service in the armed forces can benefit them in their educational pursuits. Representatives on our campus are active-duty military personnel and help students understand the kinds of careers and educational opportunities students can get through the armed forces.
Today's visitors were from the United States Army and the United States Marine Corps. The representatives were given specific guidelines to follow, and they were asked not to approach the students. Students, however, were welcome to visit their tables and ask for information.
Friday, October 15, 2021
Monday, October 11, 2021
SUCCESS! Conferences Next Week
Next Monday and Tuesday (10/18-19) will be early release days for parent/teacher SUCCESS! conferences. Students will be dismissed at 12:15 on both of those days and the schedule can be found here.
The purpose of the SUCCESS! conferences are for teachers to provide individualized feedback and support to parents of students who are struggling to demonstrate competency. Teachers will be reaching out directly to parents of students who had a D or F on their first quarter report card to schedule a conference. Students who had more than 3 Fs total on their first quarter progress report will have a meeting scheduled through their counselor.
Conferences will be 5-7 minutes in length and conducted virtually. Individual teachers will send the information to join their virtual conferences when they are scheduled. Teachers will share current student progress along with tips on what students can do to improve their performance. Parents of students who received Ds or Fs on their report card should expect to be contacted via email this week to schedule the conferences.
While you may have questions about your student’s progress in courses even if they are not struggling to demonstrate competency, the priority for next week's parent/teacher conferences is supporting those students who need the most support. If you have specific questions about your student’s progress or course content please reach out to those teachers via email.
First quarter report card grades will be posted in the Aeries Parent Portal on Thursday 10/14.
The best way to keep track of student progress is by creating a Canvas Parent Observer Account. If you have not yet done so, instructions can be found here.
Parent/Teacher SUCCESS! Conferences
Objective: Provide individualized feedback and support to parents of students who are struggling to demonstrate competency.
When: Monday 10/18 and Tuesday 10/19
Where: Virtual. Teachers will send out links to join conferences when they are scheduled.
Friday, October 1, 2021
Exchange Student Host Family Needed ASAP
If you are interested in hosting Filippo for the remainder of the school year, contact Cultural Homestay International coordinator Ceci Haas at cecihaas@gmail.com
Spelling Bee
It’s Spelling Bee time in Lammersville Unified School District!
Dear Lammersville Unified Families,
Bellow, you will find the spelling list that contains the practice words that will be given as part of the classroom, school, district, and the first round of the county spelling bees. The spelling bee this year will be written only for all divisions.
On October 18, 2021, all classroom teachers in grades 4-8 will conduct a classroom-level spelling bee. The top 2 spellers from each classroom, will be invited to participate in the schoolwide spelling bee that will be held on October 25, 2021, at 1:00pm. The top 2 spellers from each school in grades 4-6, the top 2 spellers from grades 7-8, and the top 2 spellers from grade 9 will be invited to participate in the district-wide spelling bee! The district-wide spelling bee will take place at Mountain House High School on November 4, 2021. The top 4 spellers from each division will be invited to take place in the county-wide spelling bee that takes place at the San Joaquin County Office of Education on December 6th and December 8th! If you have questions, please reach out to your English 9 Teacher
Good Luck and Happy Spelling!
Monday, September 27, 2021
AP Exam Sign Ups
Attention all AP Students!
Sign-ups are available for AP Tests from now until the end of October. All AP exams will be held during the second and third weeks of May. The expectation is that students take the AP test. The Students who do not take the AP exam will be subject to an exam similar to the AP test that will impact their grades.
Payment/sign-up options are as follows:
Sign-up/pay online at the student webstore by clicking here.
Sign-up/pay at school in the school bank.
*Each AP exam will be $100. Payment plan options are available at the school bank. The school bank clerk can set up an incremental payment plan to space out payments for the total cost of all tests taken. A late fee will be applied per the schedule below.
9/27 - 10/01 - $100 per test
10/02 - 10/29 - $110 per test
10/30 - 11/08 - $120 per test
Below are the AP tests that MHHS will be offered:
AP Biology
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Computer Science A
AP Computer Science Principles
AP Chinese Language and Culture - See ASB Secretary for the Join Code
AP English Language
AP English Literature
AP Government
AP Macroeconomics
AP Human Geography
AP Physics 1 - See ASB Secretary for the Join Code
AP Physics C: Mechanics
AP Psychology
AP Spanish Language & Culture Test
AP Statistics
AP Studio Art
AP US History
AP World History
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Sex Ed Virtual Parent Night
MHHS parents with students in grades 9 and 12 are encouraged to attend.
9th Grade Health
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Join Link: https://youtu.be/tigM_YEw-PM
12th Grade Adulting
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Join Link: https://youtu.be/hsxquTW5r2cFriday, September 17, 2021
MHHS School Site Council 9/22/21
We are excited to invite you to our first meeting of the School Site Council next Wednesday, September 22, 2021 @ 7:00pm. School Site Council Meetings will be virtual this year and a join link will be provided for each one.
Each School Site Council meeting will feature a presentation about a specific topic. The presentation will be followed with an opportunity for general Q & A. At our meeting next week we will discuss the various ways we are welcoming students back to campus to best support them after 18 months of distance learning. Topics such as social emotional learning, Advisory, SUCCESS!, and school culture will be discussed.
MHHS School Site Council
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Join here virtually: https://youtu.be/0_BnQ6eiUV0
MHHS School Site Council Dates/Topics
9/22/21 Supporting Kids Coming Back to School
11/17/21 Restorative Practices
2/23/22 Topic TBD
4/27/22 Topic TBD
Please provide your input for our February and April Site Council Meeting topics by completing the quick survey here.