Will you be 16 or older by March 3rd? Are you interested in getting paid to become a poll worker during the March election? You can earn $165 for one day of work, and a short training class. Students who apply must have a 2.5 GPA or higher to qualify. See the librarian in the Learning Commons for an application to work as a Poll Worker this coming March. You must provide personal information, as well as verify your GPA with the school. Students must also be U.S. citizens or a Legal Permanent Resident to serve as an Elections Officer. Fill out your application and turn it in to the Learning Commons by November 15, 2019.
Your Mountain House Mustangs Newsletter for all of the up-to-date information.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Attendance Matters!
Our school and district are focusing on student attendance. Research shows that attendance in school is one of the greatest indicators of student success. Please be aware of the following facts that our department of student services would like you to remember:
- Your children can suffer academically if they miss 10 percent of the school year, approximately 18 school days per year. That’s just one day every two weeks, the time adds up before you know it.
- Some absences are unavoidable. We understand that children will get sick and need to stay home occasionally. The important thing is to have your children at school as often as possible.
- If too many absences occur, no matter if they are excused or unexcused, those days’ missed represent too much lost time learning in the classroom.
- Attendance matters, as early as Kindergarten. Studies show many children who miss too many days in Kindergarten and First Grade are much less likely to read at grade level by the third grade. Students who cannot read at grade level by the end of third grade are four times more likely than proficient readers to drop out of high school.
When to Stay Home from School
When to Keep Your Child Home from School
Fall is in the air! Which brings with it the dreaded flu season. Some may wonder when it is appropriate to keep your child home from school. Here is an easy chart to help determine when your student is unable to attend school due to illness.
If your child is diagnosed with a communicable disease, they need to be cleared by a doctor before returning to school. Please alert your school office so we can take the proper precautions to keep all staff and students in a safe environment. Some examples of communicable diseases include:
• Meningitis
• Strep Throat
• Tuberculosis
• Mononucleosis
• Hepatitis
• Influenza
• Chicken Pox
• Pink Eye
• Lice
If you have any questions, please reach out to the District Nurse, Amy Isler, aisler@lammersvilleusd.net.
Fall is in the air! Which brings with it the dreaded flu season. Some may wonder when it is appropriate to keep your child home from school. Here is an easy chart to help determine when your student is unable to attend school due to illness.
If your child is diagnosed with a communicable disease, they need to be cleared by a doctor before returning to school. Please alert your school office so we can take the proper precautions to keep all staff and students in a safe environment. Some examples of communicable diseases include:
• Meningitis
• Strep Throat
• Tuberculosis
• Mononucleosis
• Hepatitis
• Influenza
• Chicken Pox
• Pink Eye
• Lice
If you have any questions, please reach out to the District Nurse, Amy Isler, aisler@lammersvilleusd.net.
Emotional Well Being--Suicide Prevention
Mountain House High School and the Lammersville Unified School District is deeply interested in our students' academic as well as their social and emotional well being. As such, we want to continue educating our community about issues that face young people every day. One such issue is Suicide.
Suicide prevention remains a universal challenge. Every year, suicide is among the top 20 leading causes of death globally for people of all ages. It is responsible for over 800,000 deaths, which equates to one suicide every 40 seconds. Prevention is possible and understanding the warning signs can help in prevention.
Here are some warning signs to be on the lookout for:
Talking about wanting to die or to kill oneself.
Looking for a way to kill oneself, such as searching online or buying a gun.
Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live.
Talking about feeling trapped or unbearable pain.
Talking about being a burden to others.
Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs.
Acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly.
Sleeping too little or too much.
Withdrawing or feeling isolated.
Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge.
Displaying extreme mood swings.
These signs could mean someone is at risk for suicide. The risk factor is greater if a behavior is new or has increased and if it seems related to a painful event, loss, or change. If you believe someone you know may be at risk, please reach out to the Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
Suicide Is Preventable!
Call the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
Suicide prevention remains a universal challenge. Every year, suicide is among the top 20 leading causes of death globally for people of all ages. It is responsible for over 800,000 deaths, which equates to one suicide every 40 seconds. Prevention is possible and understanding the warning signs can help in prevention.
Here are some warning signs to be on the lookout for:
Talking about wanting to die or to kill oneself.
Looking for a way to kill oneself, such as searching online or buying a gun.
Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live.
Talking about feeling trapped or unbearable pain.
Talking about being a burden to others.
Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs.
Acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly.
Sleeping too little or too much.
Withdrawing or feeling isolated.
Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge.
Displaying extreme mood swings.
These signs could mean someone is at risk for suicide. The risk factor is greater if a behavior is new or has increased and if it seems related to a painful event, loss, or change. If you believe someone you know may be at risk, please reach out to the Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
Suicide Is Preventable!
Call the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
Monday, September 23, 2019
Girls Basketball Workouts

What: Girls Basketball Limited Period Workouts
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:00 P.M. -8:30 P.M. Through October 13th
Where: Small Gym
Attention all girls interested in Basketball during the Winter sports season! Come out to our Limited Period Workouts every Tuesday and Thursday in the Small Gym. Please remember that you must have a cleared physical to participate. Get your physical and have your doctor fill out the form HERE and then submit your Athletic Clearance through our online system at Athleticclearance.com.
Homecoming 2019
It's Homecoming Week! We encourage all of our students to participate in their class float building, the homecoming parade, the homecoming game, and all of the fun activities planned for this week. Student Dress up days will happen every day of the week this week as follows:
Monday: Beach Wear
Tuesday: Construction Worker Gear
Wednesday: Throwback Clothes
Thursday: Class Shirts/Colors
Friday: Mustang Spirit Wear
Monday: Beach Wear
Tuesday: Construction Worker Gear
Wednesday: Throwback Clothes
Thursday: Class Shirts/Colors
Friday: Mustang Spirit Wear
Friday, September 20, 2019
Scholastic Book Order
What: Scholastic Book Order
When: NOW until September 30th
Students, remember in K-8 schools when you got monthly Scholastic Book Club flyers?
Do you miss flipping through the pages and ordering books?
If so, now's your chance to subscribe to the monthly YA TEEN Scholastic eFlyer and check out the latest titles at prices lower than at any book store! Email Ms. Eliasson (ieliasson@lammersvilleusd.net) in the Learning Commons with the subject heading "subscribe scholastic" to subscribe.
Browse through this month's flyer by opening the attached September issue; if you see books you want to order, click this link: scholastic.com/bookclubs and enter Class Code: W2Z92
After you choose your books, you can pay with a debit card, credit card or PayPal, and then submit your order. Your books will come to the Learning Commons, and I’ll email you as soon as they arrive!
Remember that when you order from the Scholastic Book Clubs, you are also helping us buy more books for MHHS Library and the Learning Commons!
Thanks for your support and see you soon in MHHS Learning Commons!
When: NOW until September 30th
Students, remember in K-8 schools when you got monthly Scholastic Book Club flyers?
Do you miss flipping through the pages and ordering books?
If so, now's your chance to subscribe to the monthly YA TEEN Scholastic eFlyer and check out the latest titles at prices lower than at any book store! Email Ms. Eliasson (ieliasson@lammersvilleusd.net) in the Learning Commons with the subject heading "subscribe scholastic" to subscribe.
Browse through this month's flyer by opening the attached September issue; if you see books you want to order, click this link: scholastic.com/bookclubs and enter Class Code: W2Z92
After you choose your books, you can pay with a debit card, credit card or PayPal, and then submit your order. Your books will come to the Learning Commons, and I’ll email you as soon as they arrive!
Remember that when you order from the Scholastic Book Clubs, you are also helping us buy more books for MHHS Library and the Learning Commons!
Thanks for your support and see you soon in MHHS Learning Commons!
Science Discovery Day at Cal State East Bay
What: Science Discovery Day
Where: Cal State East Bay
When: October 26, 2019
Time: 11 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Cost: FREE
As part of the Science Festival 2019 that is happening for two-weeks between October 25th to November 2nd (www.bayareascience.org), Cal State East Bay is hosting Science Discovery Day. Students and parents are welcome to participate together in festival activities that include Chemistry Magic Show, Fossil Casting, Mathematical Puzzles, Computer Simulation, Robotics, and so much more.
Where: Cal State East Bay
When: October 26, 2019
Time: 11 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Cost: FREE
As part of the Science Festival 2019 that is happening for two-weeks between October 25th to November 2nd (www.bayareascience.org), Cal State East Bay is hosting Science Discovery Day. Students and parents are welcome to participate together in festival activities that include Chemistry Magic Show, Fossil Casting, Mathematical Puzzles, Computer Simulation, Robotics, and so much more.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Operation Gratitude
What: Write a letter to Deployed Troops
When: NOW until October 31st
Where: Return your letter to the Learning Commons by the deadline
Who: All students, teachers, staff, and community members
Operation Gratitude sends 300,000+ care packages each year to deployed troops serving in the Air Force, Army, Marines, and Navy who are stationed all over the world. Of all the items included in these care packages, the most cherished are the personal letters of appreciation!
Our goal is to include several letters and colorful drawings in every care package and tell our heroes "WE CARE!" Writing a letter is a meaningful way for Americans to show support for all who serve. It only takes five minutes of your day but will bring lasting joy to the recipients.
Letter Writing Tips:
When: NOW until October 31st
Where: Return your letter to the Learning Commons by the deadline
Who: All students, teachers, staff, and community members
Operation Gratitude sends 300,000+ care packages each year to deployed troops serving in the Air Force, Army, Marines, and Navy who are stationed all over the world. Of all the items included in these care packages, the most cherished are the personal letters of appreciation!
Our goal is to include several letters and colorful drawings in every care package and tell our heroes "WE CARE!" Writing a letter is a meaningful way for Americans to show support for all who serve. It only takes five minutes of your day but will bring lasting joy to the recipients.
Letter Writing Tips:
- Start with a salutation, such as "Dear Hero" or "Dear Brave One"...
- Express your thanks for their selfless service, commitment and bravery.
- Share a little about yourself: Family, Hobbies, School, Work, Pets, Travel
- Avoid writing about politics and religion; however, saying you are praying for them is wonderful.
- Another topic to stay away from is gun violence, asking how many people they've killed, what it is like to kill, etc. Please, no drawings of guns or dead people.
- Please don't date your letters; it can take up to a few months for care packages to be received after they are sent.
- Adults: Include your email address if you want the recipient to reply. Students: USE FIRST NAMES ONLY and no addresses, please.
- Can't find the words? Consider drawing or painting a picture instead; please add a note to kids' drawings with their age if they cannot write. Please avoid glitter!
- Please DO NOT put cards or letters in individual envelopes; all letters will go through a screening process.
For students at the high school, writing materials are available in the Learning Commons. All letters should be completed and brought to the Learning Commons by October 31st. Come by and get a lollipop for every letter you write!
Please contact Mrs. Eliasson ieliasson@lammersvilleusd.net for more information.
For more information about Operation Gratitude, please visit operationgratitude.com
Fall Softball Workouts
What: Fall Softball Workouts
When: Sept 18, 20, 24, 25, 27
Time: 4:00 P.M to 5:30 P.M.
Where: Meet on the outdoor basketball courts near the Softball Field
Come join us for Fall workouts for the upcoming Spring Softball Season! Workouts are not mandatory for interested players, but anyone interested in playing Softball this Spring is welcome to come. See you there!
When: Sept 18, 20, 24, 25, 27
Time: 4:00 P.M to 5:30 P.M.
Where: Meet on the outdoor basketball courts near the Softball Field
Come join us for Fall workouts for the upcoming Spring Softball Season! Workouts are not mandatory for interested players, but anyone interested in playing Softball this Spring is welcome to come. See you there!
Monday, September 16, 2019
Athletic Events This Week 9/16 through 9/20
Come join us for our athletic events this week.
Monday, Sept. 16
Monday, Sept. 16
Girls Tennis vs Los Banos 3:30 start time (dismissal 2:30)
Tuesday, Sept. 17
Girls Golf Mid Season Tournament @ Tracy GC 11:00 AM start time (9:45 dismissal)
Water Polo @ Los Banos 3:30 Varsity Girls; 4:30 Varsity Boys (12:45 dismissal)
Girls Volleyball vs Beyer 4:00 Frosh; 5:00 JV; 6:00 Varsity (3:15 dismissal - Frosh only)
Wednesday, Sept. 18
Cross Country @ Los Banos 2:00 start time (11:15 AM dismissal)
Girls Tennis @ Beyer 3:30 start time (1:15 dismissal)
Girls Golf vs Grace Davis 3:30 start time (1:45 dismissal)
Thursday, Sept. 19
Water Polo vs Beyer 3:30 Varsity Girls; 4:30 Varsity Boys; 5:30 JV Girls; 6:15 JV Boys (2:15 dismissal)
Girls Volleyball @ Pacheco 4:00 Frosh; 5:00 JV; 6:00 Varsity (1:30 dismissal)
Friday, Sept. 20
Water Polo Varsity Boys @ McNair Tournament game times 12:50 and 4:10 (10:45 dismissal - Varsity Boys only)
Football @ Grace Davis 5:00 JV; 7:00 Varsity (2:00 dismissal - JV only)
Saturday, Sept. 21
Water Polo Varsity Boys @ McNair Tournament game times 8:00 AM and TBA
Girls Volleyball Frosh @ Stockton Classic Tournament (Edison HS) game times TBA
Friday, September 13, 2019
Winter Sports Conditioning and Tryouts
See below for information about all of our Winter Sports conditioning and tryouts schedules:
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Boys Soccer
Girls Soccer
Boys Basketball
- Coach: Nolan Dixon, ndixon@lammersvilleusd.net
- Workouts are starting now and will be held consistently every Tuesday & Thursday from 6:30PM to 8:00 PM.
- Tryouts begin November 4th
- Boys Basketball Website
Girls Basketball
- Coach: Reno Ursal, rursal@lammersvilleusd.net
- Workouts are starting now and will be held consistently every Thursday from 6:30PM to 8:00 PM.
- Tryouts begin November 4th
- Girls Basketball Website
Boys Soccer
- Coach: Francisco Soto, fsotobecerra@lammersvilleusd.net
- Workouts are starting now and will be consistently held every Monday and Friday from 3:45 to 6:00 PM
- Tryouts begin November 4th
- Boys Soccer Website
Girls Soccer
- Coach: TBD
- Workouts TBD
- Tryouts begins November 4th
- Girls Soccer Website
- Coach: Tim Cantu, tcantu@lammersvilleusd.net
- Workouts are starting now and will be held consistently Monday - Thursday from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM, Fridays 3:45PM to 5:00 PM
- Meet in the weight room
- Practices begin November 4th
- Wrestling Website
Thursday, September 12, 2019
MHHS Picture Retakes
What: Picture Retakes
Who: Students who did not take a picture at walk through registration or who would like to take a retake
When: Monday, September 16, 2019
Where: Learning Commons College and Career Center
Lifetouch will be on campus throughout the school day on Monday, September 16, for picture retakes. If you did not have your picture taken at walk through registration, you will need to have your photo taken for the yearbook and your official school ID.
Who: Students who did not take a picture at walk through registration or who would like to take a retake
When: Monday, September 16, 2019
Where: Learning Commons College and Career Center
Lifetouch will be on campus throughout the school day on Monday, September 16, for picture retakes. If you did not have your picture taken at walk through registration, you will need to have your photo taken for the yearbook and your official school ID.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
International Day of Peace--Just Serve!
What: International Day of Peace and Annual Day of Service
When: September 21, 2019
Time: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Mountain House High School is encouraging students, clubs, organizations, and citywide clubs organizations and groups to get in the spirit of the 37th Annual International Day of Peace and volunteer with friends, family, neighbors, teammates, co-workers, faith groups, scout troops, leaders and others for the Annual Day of Service.
Saturday, September 21st is the annual day of service, and 3 large-scale service projects have been planned for our area. We encourage all who can participate to sign up and provide community service on this day.
How do you sign up? It's EASY!
When: September 21, 2019
Time: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Mountain House High School is encouraging students, clubs, organizations, and citywide clubs organizations and groups to get in the spirit of the 37th Annual International Day of Peace and volunteer with friends, family, neighbors, teammates, co-workers, faith groups, scout troops, leaders and others for the Annual Day of Service.
Saturday, September 21st is the annual day of service, and 3 large-scale service projects have been planned for our area. We encourage all who can participate to sign up and provide community service on this day.
How do you sign up? It's EASY!
- Visit www.justserve.org
- Search "Tracy, CA," and choose "within 25 miles," then "show all"
- Choose an Annual Day of Service opportunity (multiple posts that include planting sod plugs, sorting toys, food, and books, or digging, carrying, mulching and landscaping)
- Click "Check it out," then "Volunteer"
Join us in celebrating the International Day of Peace by volunteering as an individual, or as a group. Remember, all service hours can count towards MHHS students' 40-hour community service requirement.
Mustang Ladies Tennis Opens with a Bang
The Lady Mustangs Girls Varsity Tennis opened WAC league play with a dominating performance over the Lady Spartans of Grace Davis High School. Not only did the Lady Mustangs win all 9 matches, but we also won 7 of the matches 6-0, 6-0. In the end, the Mustangs won a total of 108 games vs 4 games for the Spartans.
Player of the Match goes to #2 singles Sana Patel whose powerful forehand continues to destroy any opponent that gets in her way. Next up for the Mountain House is a home match against Johansen on Wednesday 9/11. Match will start at 3:30 pm.
Player of the Match goes to #2 singles Sana Patel whose powerful forehand continues to destroy any opponent that gets in her way. Next up for the Mountain House is a home match against Johansen on Wednesday 9/11. Match will start at 3:30 pm.
MHHS Baseball Blaze Pizza Fundraiser
The Mustang baseball program is holding our first fundraiser night of the school year on Wednesday, September 18 from 4:00-9:00 PM at Blaze Pizza in Tracy. Blaze will be donating 20% of the proceeds back to our program. If you are able to attend, please bring the flyer (or show it on your phone), and come enjoy some pizza. Feel free to distribute the flyer to anyone you wish. Thanks in advance, and go Mustangs!
Parent Canvas Training: School Site Council
What: Parent Canvas Training
When: Thursday 9/12/19 at School Site Council
Who: ALL parents and students interested
Where: Learning Commons
Time: 7:00 P.M.
The first School Site Council meeting of the year will focus on a training for parents and students on Canvas, our school's learning management system. Parents will learn how to set up their account, navigate their student's schoolwork, set up alerts and notifications, and become more a part of their student's academic life.
In addition, our school site council will report on campus safety issues, our plans for English Language Learners at our school, and the district's funding priorities. This meeting is a great time to both learn and provide input about the school and its governance. We look forward to seeing you there!
Monday, September 9, 2019
Spirit of Community Awards 2020
Are you a student who is looking to make a big difference in the world and in your community through volunteerism? If you are, we encourage you to apply for the 2020 Spirit of Community Awards. Your application makes you eligible to be recognized here in Mountain House as a local Honoree and qualifies you to be entered into the State and National Recognition of this prestigious award. During the National recognition event in Washington D.C., America's top 10 youth volunteers of the year will be named by a selection committee and will receive a $5000 scholarship, and $5000 to give to a non-profit organization of their choice.
If you have participated in community service activities over the past year and would like to fill out an application visit nassp.org/spirit and fill out the online application by the deadline on November 5, 2019. Local Honorees will be identified by the end of November and will be eligible to go on to the state-level honors. State-level honorees will be announced in February of 2019 and will receive an all-expense-paid trip to Washington D.C. next spring for four days of special recognition events.
We look forward to congratulating our local honorees here in Mountain House very soon!
If you have participated in community service activities over the past year and would like to fill out an application visit nassp.org/spirit and fill out the online application by the deadline on November 5, 2019. Local Honorees will be identified by the end of November and will be eligible to go on to the state-level honors. State-level honorees will be announced in February of 2019 and will receive an all-expense-paid trip to Washington D.C. next spring for four days of special recognition events.
We look forward to congratulating our local honorees here in Mountain House very soon!
SUCCESS! Attendance
What: SUCCESS! Attendance input into Aeries
When: Starting TODAY 9/9/19
This school year our school has adopted a new tool called "Flex Time Manager" for students to be selected or sign up for SUCCESS! sessions based on student needs. As such, all activities students sign up for will result in attendance being taken for ALL SUCCESS! activities, including extended lunch.
Now that we have spent the first grading period learning how to use our new system, we have worked out the kinks, and all attendance taken starting this week will be input into our Aeries attendance system. This means that students MUST be marked present for SUCCESS!, or they will be considered absent, and disciplinary consequences will apply. Students should be sure to check their Flex Time Manager each day to make sure they know where to be each day during SUCCESS!
When: Starting TODAY 9/9/19
This school year our school has adopted a new tool called "Flex Time Manager" for students to be selected or sign up for SUCCESS! sessions based on student needs. As such, all activities students sign up for will result in attendance being taken for ALL SUCCESS! activities, including extended lunch.
Now that we have spent the first grading period learning how to use our new system, we have worked out the kinks, and all attendance taken starting this week will be input into our Aeries attendance system. This means that students MUST be marked present for SUCCESS!, or they will be considered absent, and disciplinary consequences will apply. Students should be sure to check their Flex Time Manager each day to make sure they know where to be each day during SUCCESS!
Athletic Events This Week 9/9 through 9/13
Come join us for our athletic events this week!
Monday, Sept 9
Monday, Sept 9
Girls Golf vs Lathrop/Los Banos 2:30 start time (1:15 pm dismissal)
Girls Tennis @ Grace Davis 3:30 start time (1:15 pm dismissal)
Water Polo vs Inderkum Girls Vars 3:30; Boys Vars 4:30; Boys JV 5:30; Girls JV 6:15 (2:15 pm dismissal)
Tuesday, Sept 10
Water Polo vs Grace Davis Girls Vars 3:30; Boys Vars 4:30; Boys JV 5:30 (2:15 pm dismissal)
Girls Volleyball @ Johansen Frosh 4:00; JV 5:00; Vars 6:00 (1:45 pm dismissal)
Wednesday, Sept 11
Girls Tennis vs Johansen 3:30 start time (2:15 dismissal)
Thursday, Sept 12
Water Polo @ Johansen Girls Vars 3:30; Boys Vars 4:30; Girls JV 5:30; (1:15 pm dismissal)
Girls Volleyball @ Los Banos Frosh 4:00; JV 5:00; Vars 6:00 (1:30 pm dismissal)
Friday, Sept 13
Football @ Kimball JV 5:00; Vars 7:00 (3:00 dismissal - JV only)
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