We would like to remind all students and parents that the deadline for ordering your copy of MHHS’s very first yearbook is soon approaching. Don’t miss out on your student’s chance to own a piece of MHHS history that will document the our very first year at our school. This book will include 250 pages of full color photos, stories, and articles that detail the all of the games, rallies, clubs, dances, and activities during our first year in existence. The yearbook is available through our online webstore by visiting our homepage, and clicking on the “MHHS Webstore” button at the top of the page. Students and parents can also purchase the yearbook at the front desk in the administration building. The price of the yearbook goes up at the end of the semester, and yearbook sales will end in mid-February. Students will not have an opportunity to purchase a yearbook at the end of the school year. Only students who pre-order the yearbook will receive one. Go online and purchase yours today!
Your Mountain House Mustangs Newsletter for all of the up-to-date information.
Monday, December 29, 2014
IMPORTANT Counseling Meeting for ALL PARENTS
All parents of MHHS students are encouraged to make it a priority to attend a counseling meeting where our school counselor will be talking about our new online counseling program, Naviance, and about high school graduation requirements and college entrance requirements. Our online counseling program is being launched to help students and parents keep track of graduation and college eligibility, and will be an important link between students, parents and the counseling department at MHHS. Again, we encourage ALL parents to attend this meeting on January 6th starting at 7pm in the Multi-Use room.
Health Education Meeting regarding Sexual Health Unit
Starting at 6pm on Tuesday the 6th, MHHS will be hosting an informational night to discuss the health education course and the sexual health unit that is taught to all Freshmen students during this class. Parents and community members will have the opportunity to hear about the curriculum that is taught, and will have an opportunity to ask any questions they may have about this unit, and the content that is presented in the unit. The meeting will be in room A160 from 6pm to 7pm. We encourage anyone who is interested in this curriculum to attend this meeting.
Winter Break
Please note that our Winter Break will extend through Monday the 5th of January. The school office will be closed on Monday the 5th, and teachers and administration will not be available until students return on January the 6th. If you have sent email, or left messages for teachers, administration, or clerical staff, they will work to return messages after this time. we want to wish you a restful remainder of your winter break. When we return, students will have 6 days before final exams. We look forward to seeing students return after the new year!
Friday, December 12, 2014
HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) Fundraiser
Join our HOSA club on Saturday December 13th from 12 P.M. to 8 P.M. at Buffalo Wild Wings. 10% of all food sales from any guest that presents the ad below will go to our HOSA Club!!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Come Grapple With Our Wrestling Team!
Mountain House High School's first Wrestling team is now underway. Our wrestling team is one of the biggest in our league at over 30 boys and girls, and we are excited about the prospects for our team. This past weekend our wrestlers took home several medals, and two of our students went undefeated! If you have never been to a wrestling meet, now is the time to come! Our only home wrestling meet this year will be on January 14th starting at 6:30 P.M. Mark your calendars and come support our Mustang wrestlers!
Basketball Season!
Mountain House High School is proud to announce the beginning of our basketball pre-season. JV Girls, and JV and Freshman Boys teams are in full swing with on-campus games that started with our JV girls nearly beating Enochs High School. We encourage all of you to come out and support boys and girls basketball. The next games on the schedule occur today (December 9, 2014) with boys freshman basketball at 5:30 PM and boys JV basketball starting at 7:00 PM. The boys JV team is coming fresh off of their 1st place win at the Antioch High School basketball tournament! Come on down and support our Mustang basketball player. Ticket prices are $6.00 for adults, and $3.00 for students, seniors and children. For a full schedule of our upcoming basketball games, visit our game schedules on the MaxPreps website or click the links below for more information:
Winter Concert

Monday, December 8, 2014
Basketball Team, Marching Band, Wrestling Team all win big

Our basketball team also won big at the Antioch Basketball Tournament. Our JV boys team took first place in the tournament! What a great start for our JV Boys Basketball Team! One of our JV players, Lamont Couch, was named MVP in the tournament as well. We are so proud of our Mustang basketball players and look forward to seeing the play right here at home.

home with medals, and 2 of our wrestlers went undefeated in the tournament. Our team averaged about 60% wins. This is AWESOME for our first year wrestling team. We will definately be a force to be reckoned with!
Overall a great weekend for the Mustangs!
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Delta College Courses
Did you know that Mountain House High School Students can attend classes at Delta College's Mountain House Campus? They can! Attending college courses can look great on a resume, and can give you some experience with higher level thinking and learning skills. Delta College is registering students now for their Spring Semester that starts on January 20th. There will be an informational session for students and parents announced int he coming weeks, however students can apply for admissions, schedule an assessment and counseling appointment, and enroll in classes for this Spring starting NOW. Follow these instructions if you are interested in enrolling in Delta College courses:
- Apply for admission to Delta College by visitng the delta college admissions application online. For a link to the Delta College Application CLICK HERE
- Schedule your placement assessment and counseling by making an appointment at the Delta College South Campus here in Mountain House by calling 209.833.7900
- Check out the Schedule of classes available through Delta's online course catalog by CLICKING HERE
- Download and submit a College Early Start (CES) enrollment form by getting it signed by parent/guardian, high school principal, and high school counselor. To download the form CLICK HERE
We look forward to further partnerships with Delta College in the future. CLICK HERE for Delta College's official Spring enrollment flyer. If you have further questions, please call Delta College at 209.833.7900.
Cafeteria Account Balances
Beginning December 1, 2014 cafeteria accounts will only be allowed to go negative to $10.00. Accounts will need to be paid before any additional purchases are allowed.
Beginning January 1, 2015, NO NEGATIVE BALANCES will be allowed. All purchases will require money on account or cash.
To bring your student’s account up to date, you can pay on line atwww.EZSchoolPay.com .
If you have any questions regarding your student’s account, you may contact the Food Services department at (209) 836-7400 x2396.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Mustang Updates
MHHS does YOGA!!!!! Mountain House High School PTSA is sponsoring a regular Yoga class here in the MHHS Multi-Use room starting November 5th, and every Wednesday thereafter (except for school holidays). Our instructor is Mountain House's own, highly experienced Sue Gervase. Come on down to the Multi-Use Gym TOMORROW for your first dose of Yoga! Individual class price is $4 for non-members, $3 for members. Multiple class punch cards will also be available.
FINAL Home Football Game
Come one, come all to our last football game of the year. Our very own MHHS Mustangs are looking to finish the year with a 500 record. We host Dougherty Valley in our stadium at 7:00 P.M on Thursday November 6th. Don't miss your opportunity to be a part of history. Attend our final game of the first ever Mustang Football Season!
Parent/Student Meeting for Wrestlers
Mustang Wrestlers. There is a mandatory parent meeting Thursday November 6th at 6pm before the football game in coach McCloskey's room A160. Every student that is going to wrestle, including students in fall sports needs to attend with their parents. If there are any questions or if you are still interested in joining, contact Coach Beal at gbeal@lammersvilleusd.net. It is not too late. Again, that is next Thursday, November 6th. at 6pm in A160.
Reflections Art Contest
The National PTA Reflection Program is providing a chance for all students interested in the arts to submit their works that follows this year's theme of "The world would be a better place if..." The categories for this national contest include dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts. If you are interested in participating in this contest your entry must be submitted by Friday November 14th. Look for more information on MHHS art website here: http://www.mhhsfreshworks.net/ or ask Mrs. Leyva (rleyva@lammersvilleusd.net) in room A201 for more information.
Fun Run
Mountain House High School is hosting our first annual Fun Run on Wednesday November 12th. During this fun run, all students will have an opportunity to run the track during their P.E. class to see how much money we can raise for our school's classrooms, clubs, and organizations. Each student has a donation form, and you and the student have the opportunity to donate your money to the school organization, or classroom of your choice! Get into the spirit of giving! Ask your student about donating today!
Friday, October 31, 2014
BIONIC Task Force and Student Lounge
Hey Mustang Community! The BIONIC Task Force is a small group of peer helpers who are trained and supervised by the head counselor, Karen Friesen. BIONIC stands for “Believe it or not, I care.” Their mission is to improve school culture by providing a safe space for students to talk about problems and get non-judgmental sympathy and support. BIONIC Task Force needs your help! They want to furnish a student lounge with beanbag chairs, loveseats, couches, throw pillows, or other cozy comfort items. They have an empty room and they need your help to make it safe, comfortable, and welcoming. If you have new or gently used furniture items you would be interested in donating, please contact Karen Friesen at kfriesen@lammersvilleusd.net. Thank you for supporting a positive school culture at MHHS!
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
At the end of our first quarter on October 27, 2014, MHHS will be holding our first annual parent/teacher/student conferences. Parent/teacher/Student conferences at the high school level are different than conferences at the elementary school level. On October 27th, students at MHHS will not attend school, and teachers will be available for conferences between 12 P.M. and 8 P.M. In order to stagger the attendance of parents during the school day, we are requiring parents sign up for a 1 hour time slot during the conference day. Sign up soon for your conference hour as there are only 70 slots per hour.
To sign up for your conference time CLICK HERE
During your conference hour you will have the opportunity to pick up your student's quarter report card and meet with teachers in the main gym for short conferences regarding your child's progress. Because of the limited time during the conference schedule please note that conferences will be brief (5-7 minutes per teacher). Parent/teacher conferences are limited to the parent(s) and the MHHS student. Please plan to leave younger siblings at home.
If you need help signing up for a time slot, or have any other questions, please contact us in the main office at 209.836.7460, or by email at mhmustangs@lammersvilleusd.net.
Monday, October 20, 2014
School Site Council
Our second School Site Council meeting of the school year will be Tuesday evening October 21st at 6 P.M. The site council is a group of teachers, parents, classified employees, community members and students that works with the principal to develop, review and evaluate school improvement programs and school budgets. These are public meetings, and anyone who is interested is welcome to attend. This week we will be discussing the initial accreditation report, the school's mission and values, and the committees that will be formed as we develop a Single Plan for Student Achievement. If you are interested in the agenda CLICK HERE to access it.
Parent University Night
Parent University Night
MUSTANG PARENTS! Register now for our first Mustang Parent University Night on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 from 6:30 P.M. to 8:45 P.M. in the MHHS Multi-Use room. Spend some quality time learning from MHHS teachers about how blended learning methods and technology are being used in the classroom to supercharge student learning by breaking down the barriers of traditional education. We will discuss the shifting role of teachers and students and you will have a chance to ask questions. There is room for the first 100 participants who register for our first Parent University Night, so don't delay!
Register for Parent University Night by Clicking HERE
Questions? Contact Brian Schum via email at bschum@lammersvilleusd.net
Friday, October 17, 2014
Let's Celebrate Diwali!
One of the great things about living in Mountain House, and going to school here Lammersville Unified School District is the fact that our community is so diverse. Because we live in such a diverse community, we have the opportunity to celebrate the many diverse holidays that our students and their families celebrate. The next holiday that is coming up is Diwali. Diwali is also known as the "festival of lights" and is an ancient Hindu festival celebrated in autumn every year. This holiday is traditionally a Hindu holiday that signifies the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, and hope over despair. Diwali is a major national holiday in India, and many of our students and their families celebrate this holiday here in Mountain House. This year, Diwali is on Thursday October 23rd.
Mountain House High School would also LOVE to celebrate Diwali by decorating our lobby with festive Diwali decorations. If you are interested in helping us to celebrate Diwali we would love to decorate our High School Lobby area with Diwali decorations. If you are interested in helping us to decorate please CLICK HERE and fill out the form to volunteer to decorate.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Concession Volunteers Needed!
Concessions Volunteers Needed for Home Games
Attention Mustang Parents! We are still in need of volunteers for our Athletic Boosters Concession stand at each home sporting event throughout the school year. Your volunteer hours are tracked through the boosters organization, and are credited to the sports team of your choice. It is essential that we have volunteers to work these events. If you are available to volunteer in our concession stand, visit our online sign up by visiting our Sign-Up Genius site: by CLICKING HERE.Bingo Night!
BINGO! Sponsored by MHHS Performing Arts Boosters
Come join the Performing Arts Booster Club on its first ever Bingo night. This is Bingo for the whole family with prizes for the whole family. Com on Down Friday October 10th to the Multi-Use Room where we will play 9 rounds of Bingo, and a bonus Blackout round. Doors Open at 5:30 and the first round starts at 6:00.
See you there!
Mustang Band Trailer
Mountain House HS Band Trailer
Have you heard our band practicing out on the football field? Our band continues to improve, and the students are excited to begin traveling to perform and compete. WE NEED YOUR HELP! MHHS Band needs to purchase a trailer to transport our instruments to our competition venues. The band has established a "gofundme" site where we are asking for donations to support the band in purchasing a trailer. Visit our funding site by CLICKING HERE and donating today. Individuals who donate any amount will receive a photo of the inaugural Mustang Band. Donors who donate $500 or more will have the name placed on the trailer. Companies who donate $1000 or more will have their company logo placed on the trailer as a testament to their support. Help us to reach our goal!Thursday, October 2, 2014
Biomedical Science Class Meets Department of Justice
MHHS's Biomedical Science students had the opportunity to meet with an expert from the Department of Justice as a part of their explorations of the careers that use the skills they are learning in their class. Mrs. Michelle Terra spoke to the Principles of BioMedical Science about her work for the Department of Justice. She described the education and training required for careers in evidence processing as well as job duties and responsibilities. She discussed the collection, processing and analysis of blood, DNA, drugs and other evidence. Students very much enjoyed her stories about processing evidence especially one case that was studied in class. Several students stayed back during lunch to ask additional questions.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Early-Early Release
Students to be Released at 1:30 P.M. THIS FRIDAY
Lammersville Unified School District is running a district wide professional development for all teachers that will start earlier in the afternoon, and as a result it will be necessary for students at MHHS to be dismissed at the same time that students in the K-8 schools are dismissed. This Friday ONLY, students at MHHS will be released at 1:30 P.M. Please make a note of the change in schedule.
Spelling Bee
Spelling Bee is open to Freshman Students
This year, Mountain House High School will be holding a spelling bee competition for all ninth grade students. Here are some important facts for you and your child.
1. October 1st: A written spelling test will be administered in each ninth grade English classroom. Words will be selected from this list. The list of words can be found online by CLICKING HERE
2. From each English section, there will be one winner. Each winner will go to the site competition, which will be held October 8th at MHHS. From there, the winner will go to the district spelling bee.
We look forward to seeing the results of our competition! Get ready to spell, Mustangs! If you have any further questions about the spelling bee, please contact Shelby Scoffield at sscoffield@lammersvilleusd.net
Science Olympiad Meeting
Science Olympiad Meeting 9/30/14 @ 7:30 P.M.
Science Olympiad meeting is this Tuesday, September 30th @ 7:30pm in Rm A220. We'll be discussing student teams, organizing Parent Coaches and distributing the official event details to each team. Sign-up details are available on the Science Olympiad page at http://ow.ly/C583S
PTSA General Meeting-Thank You
A BIG Thank you to ALL our members who attended the 1st MHHS Parent-Teacher-Student-Association(PTSA) meeting last night! We have some great events planned for the upcoming months. More details coming soon! Thank you Mr. Fobert for ALL your suggestions and support! A special thank you the members who offered to help us with some immediate tasks! We greatly appreciate it!
Our association meetings are open to all! If you were unable to attend, minutes of the meeting will be posted soon. Questions/suggestions? Email us at MHHS.PTSA@gmail.com
Anyone interested in more information about MHHS PTSA can also visit our website at http://mhhs.my-ptsa.org/
Our association meetings are open to all! If you were unable to attend, minutes of the meeting will be posted soon. Questions/suggestions? Email us at MHHS.PTSA@gmail.com
Anyone interested in more information about MHHS PTSA can also visit our website at http://mhhs.my-ptsa.org/
Friday, September 26, 2014
PSAT Options
The PSAT/NMSQT is a yearly test that is given to high school Juniors, and allows Juniors to access national scholarships and awards as students apply for college in their Senior year. Sophomores and Freshmen are allowed to take the test as well, but are not eligible for scholarships and awards. This article is meant to provide information about how interested students can find a location where the test is being taken, and purchase a ticket to the test. This year's PSAT/NMSQT will be offered on either Wednesday, October 15th during the school day, or on Saturday October 18th.
Because Mountain House High School is new, and is just beginning the accreditation process, we are not eligible to proctor the PSAT on our school campus this year. Students interested in taking the test will need to contact local schools who are offering the test, and request permission to take the test there.
I also want to provide some information regarding this year's PSAT/NMSQT test. Starting this year, the SAT has completely overhauled the format of the test. The PSAT being given this year has NOT been altered to match the new format of the test, and therefore is not an accurate preparation for the SAT test that will be given. Students who choose to take the PSAT/NMSQT this year should be aware that this test will not be altered to fit the new format until the fall of next school year.
Following is a list of schools in our area that are offering the test. Students and parents interested in taking the test this year should contact the school to determine if they are offering spots at their site for outside students to take the test.
Delta Charter High School--(209) 830-6363
Stein High School--209.830.3395
Kimball High School--(209) 832-6600
West High School--(209) 830-3370
Tracy High School--(209) 830-3360
Millennium High School--(209) 831-5240
Tracy Adult School--(209) 830-3384
Because Mountain House High School is new, and is just beginning the accreditation process, we are not eligible to proctor the PSAT on our school campus this year. Students interested in taking the test will need to contact local schools who are offering the test, and request permission to take the test there.
I also want to provide some information regarding this year's PSAT/NMSQT test. Starting this year, the SAT has completely overhauled the format of the test. The PSAT being given this year has NOT been altered to match the new format of the test, and therefore is not an accurate preparation for the SAT test that will be given. Students who choose to take the PSAT/NMSQT this year should be aware that this test will not be altered to fit the new format until the fall of next school year.
Following is a list of schools in our area that are offering the test. Students and parents interested in taking the test this year should contact the school to determine if they are offering spots at their site for outside students to take the test.
Delta Charter High School--(209) 830-6363
Stein High School--209.830.3395
Kimball High School--(209) 832-6600
West High School--(209) 830-3370
Tracy High School--(209) 830-3360
Millennium High School--(209) 831-5240
Tracy Adult School--(209) 830-3384
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
VOTE for your School Site Council Representatives!
School Site Council Elections
It is now time to choose your very first parent representatives to Mountain House High School's Site Council. The site council is a group of teachers, parents, classified employees, community members and students that works with the principal to develop, review and evaluate school improvement programs and school budgets. 16 people were nominated for the 10 spots open, and it is now your job to elect your representatives. Visit the online ballot by CLICKING HERE. Good luck to our candidates. Voting ends Saturday 09/27/14.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Football and Volleyball!!!!
Football and Volleyball
Its time for our second home football game of the season!!! This Thursday, the 25th of September at 6pm, MHHS will host Hilmar High School for our 2nd game under the lights. MHHS football games are a great way to spend time as a family, and a great way to support your Mustangs Athletics programs. On the same night we will also host a JV volleyball match against Hughson High School starting at 4:30 PM. Fans coming to watch the volleyball game can get their hand stamped, and get into the football game for free. Come on down with your family, enjoy our concessions stands for dinner, buy yourself some spirit wear, and get into the best entertainment Mountain House has to offer! Special for this game, Congressman Jerry McNerney will attend our game, and will participate in the pre-game coin toss.
We hope to see you on Thursday night.!!
Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad Meeting
Tuesday September 23rd at 7:30 P.M. there will be a parent and student informational meeting for our Science Olympiad. The meeting will take place at MHHS in room A220. Mrs. Donna Earle is our Science Olympiad coordinator, and will be looking for both student participants and parent volunteers.
Science Olympiad competitions are like academic track meets, consisting of a series of 23 team events in each division. Each year, a portion of the events are rotated to reflect the ever-changing nature of genetics, earth science, chemistry, anatomy, physics, geology, mechanical engineering and technology. By combining events from all disciplines, Science Olympiad encourages a wide cross-section of students to get involved. Emphasis is placed on active, hands-on group participation. Through Science Olympiad, students, teachers, parents, principals and business leaders bond together and work toward a shared goal.
We encourage any students and parents interested in joining our Science Olympiad team to attend tomorrow's informational meeting. Come on out and get involved! If you have any questions, please contact Donna Earle at dearle@lammersvilleusd.net.
Boys and Girls Basketball Meeting
Monday September 22nd will be our first Basketball meeting of the year for all students who are interested in playing basketball this school year. Students will meet in the small gym after school at 3:30 P.M. Students will learn more about the opportunity to participate in open-gym before the season starts. In order for students to participate in open-gym they MUST have the appropriate medical clearances. If you have not completed the student physical, please visit the following link to obtain the appropriate paperwork: CLICK HERE. Every student needs to turn in the Physical Form, the Emergency Treatment Form, and the Handbook Signature Form. Stay tuned for more information about a parent meeting. If you have questions about basketball, please contact the athletic director, LeVinia Woods, at lwoods@lammersvilleusd.net.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Make-Up Pictures and Dress Code
Make Up Picture Day
This Friday, September 19th, will be our make-up picture day for all students who were unable to make it to our walk-through registration, or for students who have lost, or never received their permanent picture ID. Students who want to buy ASB cards to get into school sporting events for free, and receive discounts on other events and items can also have a new ID made at this time. CLICK HERE if you would like to order pictures before Make Up Picture Day. Don't forget to look your best for your pictures!
Dress Code Warning---Call for Donations
As the weather in Mountain House continues to be dry and hot, we need to remember that all students must follow the dress code at school. Please refer back to the student handbook to find the expectations for the dress code. We are also asking for donations of clothing for students to change in to when they are found out of dress code. Please bring your donations of clean used clothing (t-shirts, pants, shorts, socks, etc) that can be used for students to change into when they are referred to the office. Your help is appreciated.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Youth in Government Day
Youth in Government Day
The San Joaquin County office of Education and the San Joaquin Board of Supervisors is providing an opportunity for youth to experience what it is like to work for San Joaquin County! Youth in Government day is an annual activity where students have an opportunity to shadow leaders in our county in the areas of law enforcement, agriculture, community development, many more areas of public service within our county. For a list of County Departments and the descriptions CLICK HERE Space in Youth in Government day is limited to 75 possible job shadowing slots, so space is limited. Students will be assigned on a "first-come first-served" basis. Youth in Government Day this year is on October 30, 2014, starting at 8:15 AM and ending at 2:00 PM. Students who participate should be in good academic standing, must receive a recommendation from at least one of their teachers, and must provide their own transportation to and from the San Joaquin Administration Building in downtown Stockton.
Students who are interested should fill out the following form if they are interested. CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION Verified student names will be provided to the county office of education who will make the final decision about who will get to participate. ACT FAST as there are only 75 spots COUNTY WIDE! Application deadline is October 19, 2014.
Friday, September 12, 2014
MHHS Updates
The Mountain House High School yearbook staff has an exciting announcement. You can help build our school’s yearbook and digital Time Capsule. Parents and students are invited to share and view Mountain House photos by going to ReplayIt.com or by downloading the free ReplayIt app available for iPhone and Android. This website is the home for all of the photos from our school year, check it out today! Go to www.ReplayIt.com or with the free ReplayIt app.
Ticket Booth Volunteers
With all of our sporting events here on campus, we have a need for volunteers to fill spots in our ticket booth for all of our home events. This season we need volunteers to work in our ticket booth for all of our home Volleyball, Football, and Soccer games. Ticket booth volunteers typically spend between 2 and 3 hours in the ticket booth during the game. If you are interested in volunteering for ticket booth duty, please visit our online application by CLICKING HERE.
School Site Council
MHHS is forming our very first School Site Council. The school site council is a group of teachers, parents, classified employees, community members and students that works with the principal to develop, review and evaluate school improvement programs and school budgets. Over the course of the year, our school site council will consider the goals of the school and the district, and work to evaluate the school's progress towards those goals. The school site council also works closely with the school's staff to develop the goals that are required to obtain initial accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.
We need your help! Voting members of our inaugural School Site Council are needed to nominate themselves for this year's council positions. The council will be comprised of AT LEAST 12 but not more than 20 voting members. This year's council is extremely important as the group will be helping to finalize the school's overall Mission Statement and Values statements, and will ultimately be the governing body that makes decisions about the direction our school goes in the next several years.
If you are interested in helping to make decisions, and want a say in the program and budget of our school please submit your information by visiting our sign-up form by CLICKING HERE.
Parent and Student Survey
Parent and Student Survey
MHHS wants YOUR feedback. In an effort to continually focus on gathering feedback, and adjusting our program to fit the needs of our students and parents, MHHS has developed a survey that will help the faculty and staff understand what our students and parents are feeling about our school's Curriculum, Culture and Climate. The anonymous feedback you provide in this survey will be compiled and analyzed by our school leadership team, and will be used as we continue to develop our action plan to provide a world class education along with excellent customer service for our students and community. Student surveys will be given during Advisory period on Friday, September 12th, and Parent surveys are available online starting today, and ending Friday, September 19th. Parents interested in taking our survey should CLICK HERE, or visit our homepage at mhhs.lammersvilleusd.net and click on the "Parent Survey" button.Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Congratulations to Sangeetha Bharath!
Sangeetha “Sunny” Bharath has been honored by being recognized as a national semi-finalist in the Broadcom Masters National Science Fair. This means she was chosen as a finalist out of 6000 students nationwide who entered into the science fair. Sunny’s Science Fair project will now be entered into the semifinals that will take place on September 17th. Congratulations to Sunny and good luck at the semifinals!
Monday, September 8, 2014
Avoiding Computer Eye Strain
With our new instructional tools at MHHS high school, many students and parents may be concerned about all of that time students spend looking at a computer screen during the day, and whether all that computer use is going to cause damage to a student's eyes. Much has been written about eyes and eye strain and computer use. In a fairly recent article published in TIME magazine, the author, Laura Newcomer, spoke to eye professionals about the effect computer use can have on the eyes. While both experts stated that prolonged computer use is unlikely to actually damage the eyes, that same prolonged use can cause eye fatigue and/or strain. They reported that a number of factors can increase the likelihood of eye strain while using computers "...including uncorrected vision problems, dry eyes, glares on the screen, poor lighting, poor posture and even the angle of the monitor." The cited other examples of factors that can cause eyes to get tired while using screens. The medical professionals suggested several guidelines to ensure that symptoms of eye strain are eased or eliminated. These guidelines include the following:
- Have your eyes check regularly
- Reposition the computer
- Follow guidelines for good posture
- Ensure proper lighting
- Reduce glare
- Blink frequently
- Take regular work breaks
- Clean the monitor regularly
- Try computer glasses
There are also several Chrome Webstore apps that can be downloaded on your student's Chromebook that will remind students to look away from their screen at regular intervals, to move around, and to correct their posture. One of the simple Chrome Webstore apps is called Eye Rest, and reminds students to look away from their screen at intervals that can be determined by the individual user. Check it out. It might be a good idea for parents to do the same thing at their places of work so you can avoid eye strain just like your students!
To read the full TIME magazine article online, visit the following link: http://healthland.time.com/2012/09/13/computer-eye-strain-explained-and-how-to-avoid-it/
Study Hall
Did you know that MHHS has started a study hall? Do you need a quiet place before the school day starts to get some work done? Do you need internet access in the morning to finish up some of your projects and homework? If you do, Miss Carrasco is starting a study hall every Monday through Thursday morning from 7:45 am to 8:10 am in room A153. Study hall is a quiet place where students can complete work, and get basic support for their work.
Substitutes Needed!!!!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Canvas Learning Management System
Parent Observer Accounts for Canvas
PARENTS!!!! Sign up for your parent observer account to be able to track your student's progress in their classes, and to take a look at due dates and test/quiz dates. You can even check to see if your student has completed their assignments, and when they submit their assignments. Go to blendedschools.instructure.com and click on the grey ribbon at the top that says "Click Here for an Account" and follow the instructions. You need your student's username (their ID number), and their password (ask them for their password). For more detailed instructions, take a look at the instructional video below.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
August 26. 2014
Web Filtering
Did you know that we are working hard to make sure your students are safe online both in school, and at home? Mountain House High School and the Lammersville Unified School District have partnered with an internet filtering company called Securly to provide both in school and at home internet filtering for our students. Because all of our Chromebooks are managed on the lammersvilleusd.net domain, we have the ability to apply the same filters on our Chromebooks that we do here in school at home. We also have the ability to control how much, or how little content students can see. If you want to know more about our internet filtering system, feel free to visit Securly's website at http://www.securly.com/
Homecoming / Up and Coming
Our inaugural homecoming week, which we call "Up and Coming,” is fast approaching. During the week of September 29th through October 3rd, the freshman and sophomore classes will be constructing floats for our parade and engaging in multiple class competitions. We’re asking for help from our wonderful community to create an event that Mountain House and MHHS will never forget! We need to borrow two flatbed trailers to create the floats. The trailers should be 14 feet long by 7 feet wide with wooden beds and students may be nailing or screwing into the beds to attach frames or other structures. If you have a trailer that you would be willing to let us borrow for that week, please let us know. Also, we will need lumber and other building supplies. In addition, we are seeking parent volunteers to help the students create the floats from 3:30- 8 PM each night on the MHHS campus. Skills in building and art would be particularly helpful! If you are available to help with the freshman or sophomore float, please contact Miss Garrison at agarrison@lammersvilleusd.net
Thanks and GO MUSTANGS!
Class Schedule Balancing
During the week of 8/25 through 8/29, our classes and schedules will be shifting a bit. As we start our first school year, we are making sure that we are balancing our class sizes, and offering the correct number of sections of our courses. Because of this balancing, some students schedules may change. If your student's schedule will change over the next week we will contact both the student and the parent to let them know. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please let us know!
Project Lead the Way Biomedical Science--CSI Event
Friday the 22nd of August marked the beginning of the Biomedical Science program's kick off event, complete with a mock crime scene. The curriculum for the Biomedical Science revolves around the "death" of a fictional character, and the students use project based learning methodology to determine the cause of death, time of death, investigate samples, DNA, etc. The students met together on the 22nd in the Mulit-Use room where they heard a mock 911 call, and then our local Mountain House Firemen and EMT's showed up on campus to "treat" the patient, finally pronouncing her "dead." The students had the opportunity to practice CPR chest compressions on the "patient" and had the opportunity to hear about the job of an EMT, and firefighter, and had the opportunity to take a look at the truck that our firemen use in our community. It was a great start to the year for our Biomedical Science program.
Successful First Back To School Night
Thanks to all of you who made it out to our first Back to School night. For those of you who were unable to make it, we encourage you to contact your student's teachers if you have any questions about their classes,the work they are assigning, or their grading policies and procedures. You can find contact information on our website by CLICKING HERE. If you missed the parent orientation at the beginning of the night, you can access the presentation made that night by CLICKING HERE.
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